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Cougar News Club

Hello, welcome to the Cougar News Club page!

If you are interested in being in the Cougar News Club, you can still sign up! Download and print out the conduct agreement below, and have your parents/guardians sign.  Make sure to read all parts of the agreement!  Bring it to Mr. Gebhart in I-2 once you have it filled out.  Cougar News is open to all grade levels, except for students who have zero period.

Conduct Agreement for Cougar News Club.

Once you have turned in the conduct agreement, every Friday, directly after school at 2:05, and every Monday (or whatever the first day of the week is) at 8:30, I will have sign ups open for the following week on Cougar News.  Come see Mr. Gebhart in Room I-2 to get signed up.
If you have signed up for a position on Cougar News, you are required to show up by 8:40 AM on the day you signed up for, no exception.  Anyone who isn’t here by that time will forfeit their position on that day’s Cougar News.  Repeated offenses could result in being banned from Cougar News.  If my door is not open by 8:40 AM, you need to wait by the door until Mr. Gebhart or a sub arrives.

There are four positions each day on Cougar News:

  • Anchor 1 and Anchor 2:
    • Before the broadcast: Do a practice run-through of the teleprompter, turn on and test the microphones.
    • During the broadcast: Say the pledge of allegiance, read the teleprompter.
    • After the broadcast: Turn off the microphones.
  • Technician:
    • Before the broadcast: Turn on the camera and lights, move the camera into appropriate position.
    • During the broadcast: Move through the teleprompter as needed. Adjust camera position if needed.
    • After the broadcast: Turn off the camera and lights.
  • Producer:
    • Before the broadcast: Update the credits screen with team member names, update the credits screen
    • with the correct date, test the microphones.
    • During the broadcast: Switch between views as needed, monitor audio levels.

Zero Period:

Because it is required that students are here before 8:40 AM, zero period students are not eligible to participate in Cougar News Club.  Zero period is a privilege that allows students to take an extra elective class and unfortunately it means that they cannot participate in Cougar News.  It is too much of a burden on teachers to have student leave early from their zero period to come to Cougar News.

Club Advisor:

Mr. Gebhart

Room I-2

(916) 294-9035 x320682